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soon to be updated...

Fling, Flung, Swivel and Swirl 2020
Celebrity Apex, commissioned by ICArt, Miami, US


Utflykten (The Outing) 2014
Mötesplats Klostergården, barn- och ungdomsbibliotek, Lund


Photo © Terje Östling

Öppna/Sluta  (Opening/Closing) 2008
Studiecentrum, Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Lund

Photo © Max Plunger

Öppna (Opening) 2008
The first three sentences from every novel in my bookcase. The text is written by hand from the edge and inwards. Original transferred to laminate

Sluta (Closing) 2008
The last three sentences from every novel in my bookcase. The text is written by hand from the centre and outwards. Original transferred to laminate

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